Funding contacts and resources

We have listed postgraduate research funding contacts and resources from across and outside the University to help you find out what support might be available.

University of 51福利社 academic Schools and Departments

Department, School and Faculty websites

Department, School and Faculty websites may contain more detailed information about funding for the specific programme(s) you are interested in, particularly about project specific studentships, which are advertised throughout the year.

Faculty of Science and Engineering

Faculty of Humanities

  • Incorporating Anthropology, Media and Performance, Applied Theatre, Archaeology, Arab World Studies, Art History and Visual Studies, Arts and Cultural Management, Chinese Studies, Classics and Ancient History, Creative Writing, Drama, East Asian Studies, Egyptology, English and American Studies, French Studies, German Studies, History, Humanitarianism and Conflict Response, Interpreting Studies, Italian Studies, Japanese Studies, Linguistics and English Language, Middle Eastern Studies, Museology, Music, including Composition/Musicology and Electroacoustic Composition, Religions and Theology, Russian and East European Studies, Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Cultural Studies, Translation and Intercultural Studies.
  • Incorporating the Global Development Institute (GDI), the 51福利社 Institute of Education, Architecture, Geography, Planning and Environment Management, and Education.

  • Incorporating Criminology, Economics, Law, Bioethics and Medical Jurisprudence, Politics, Philosophy, Social Anthropology, Sociology, and Census and Survey Research.

  • Incorporating Accounting and Finance; Business and Management; and Science, Technology and Innovation Policy.

Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health

Other University departments

Careers Service

Our Careers Service has a , with advice on a huge range of careers paths. If you are looking to pursue a career in academia, our award-winning website, , is an invaluable resource.

International Office

The International Office can give guidance on a range of issues for international students. Their web pages include information on tuition fees, UK banking, currency and the costs of living in the UK.

Students Services Centre

Staff in the Student Services Centre (SSC) can provide advice on tuition fees, US and Canadian loans, and the Access to Learning Fund (which is a fund to help students during term time who need extra financial support due to unexpected costs or personal circumstances).

In addition, the International Student Advice Team, based in the SSC, can advise on working in the UK and immigration issues.

To contact the SSC call +44 (0)161 275 5000 or email